Testimonials are sometimes referred to as 'the secret sales force'. Psychologists have long understood the principle of 'social proof', which basically says people will do what they see other people doing.
The role of the testimonial is to make potential members feel completely at ease, by letting them know that lots of people have already done what they are considering . . . and that they're satisfied with their decision.
Testimonials play a pivotal role in establishing trust and credibility for a membership website. They serve as a bridge between the potential member's uncertainty and their desire to make an informed decision. The presence of social proof on a website can significantly influence a visitor's decision and boost conversion rates.
Testimonials reduce doubt and risk and encourage action.
Tip 1 – Ask for testimonials
Users don't often commit praise about a company in writing, even if they love the product. So if you don’t ask for a testimonial you probably won’t get one.
The best way to make the request is, when you hear a positive comment from a user, write it down and email it to them and ask for their permission to use it in your marketing. You will get a very high hit rate doing it this way, and also have some input into what they say.
Remember, you should always get written approval to use a customer’s comment.
Tip 2 – Gather testimonials on a review platform
Open an account on a verified review platform or create a Google My Business page. Ask members to leave a review. You can then use quote excerpts on your website and link back to the actual review site.
By engaging with reviews and responding to feedback, you can demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. Reviews can also provide valuable feedback about where improvement in needed.
Tip 3 - Run a survey
Another good technique for generating testimonials is to ask members to fill out a short survey about your service. Make the last question something like, "what do you like most about our website/service/product?" or "how has our website/service/product helped you to…?"
Tip 4 – Testimonials should be genuine
Unfortunately, it is very common on the web for unscrupulous marketers to fabricate testimonials This is making web consumers cynical and suspicious when they read them. To overcome this cynicism you need to give as much evidence as you can that they are from real people. This can include a photo, a link to their website or Facebook profile or a video.
Tip 5 – Testimonials should be balanced
No product is without faults or beyond improvement. Testimonials are far more credible if they include real feedback and constructive comments, for example, "it took a bit of time to learn how to use the service, but once understood, it did everything I needed . . . and more!"
Tip 6 – Testimonials are more powerful with a photo
Photos have the effect of reassuring readers that your testimonials were provided by a real person.
Tip 7 – Testimonials are most powerful as video
Better than a photo is a video testimonial. Read and people are encouraged; see a photo and people believe; watch a video and they are persuaded. Not many sites have video testimonials, so the impact and perceived value is very high.
Tip 8 – Swap a testimonial for a link
Any of your customers who are familiar with Internet marketing will know the value of an inbound link. You can use this to your advantage. Offer to add a link to any testimonial that you use. This will provide customers with a good incentive.
Tip 9 – Comparisons with competitors
If YOU say negative things about your competitors, it will have little impact, or may even count against you in the minds of your prospects. However, if a third party compares your service favourably to that of your competitors, it will be seen as a valid and useful insight.
Tip 10 – “Can I publish your story?”
The word 'testimonial' can put people off committing their comments in writing, so instead try asking people for "their story" of how they have used your service and how it has helped them.
Tip 11 – Case studies are testimonials
A case study has the same value as a testimonial. It is just another way of getting positive feedback from your customers into the minds of your prospects.
Tip 12 – Don’t hide your testimonials
Spread testimonials across all the pages on your site where you want to influence your customer’s decision making. This includes the home page, features page, product pages and pricing page.
Tip 13 - Different testimonials for different propositions
If your website has multiple revenue streams, you will have different audiences for different products. You should try to get testimonials from members of each of these offerings, rather than use the same broad comments across the whole of your site.
Tip 14 – Encourage testimonials on your contact form
Most contact pages focus on either providing sales support or dealing with customer questions and problems. This is a missed opportunity; you should also ask for positive feedback from happy customers. If you don’t ask, you won’t get!
Tip 15 – Provide others with testimonials
If you give other people a positive testimonial they will fell indebted to you and look to reciprocate in future. Whenever you give someone else a testimonial always provide them with your web address; they will usually publish your comment with the link.
It does not matter what your membership website is about. Whether it's free or subscription-based, testimonials will help build your credibility, authority and trust. Remember the principle of social proof; people will follow what other people do. Testimonials offer genuine perspectives on what your website delivers.